Structured Practice Scorecards 0to5

Structured Practice Scorecards 0to5


Structured Practice Scorecards 0to5 is a PDF  file download containing a monochrome image of 6 Strobe Structured Scorecards on a single  page.

The scoring scale on this product is from 0 for a poor shot to 5 for a exact shot, with intermediate scores of 1 and 3 also shown.

The image is sized and centred so that consecutive pages can be printed double sided on card stock and then cut with scissors to create 6 double- sided cards for use  during practice.

North American letter sheet size is used. The scorecard size that prints does not change even if A4 paper sheets are in the printer tray.

Each purchase allows for 10 downloads of the scorecard sheet over the next 60 days.

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Structured Practice Scorecards 0to5 has a scoring scale to record each lawn bowl delivered by a player during practice with each result recorded from 0 for a poor shot to 5 for a exact shot, with intermediate scores of 1 and 3 also shown.

The product is a PDF file download containing an image of 6 Strobe Structured Scorecards on a single page.

The image is sized and centred so that 2 consecutive pages can be printed double sided on card stock and then cut with scissors to create 6 double- sided cards for use  during practice.

North American letter sheet size is used. The scorecard size that prints does not change even if A4 paper sheets are in the printer tray.

The colour in this product is monochrome so that only black ink is used to print the scorecards on your printer.

Each purchase allows for 10 downloads of the scorecard sheet over the next 60 days.




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